jez' pics

By snappinjez

Walk off the earth

Spent time on the Internet listening to these guys tonight but also listening to really amazing horn players and getting a bit geeky about it.
I sometimes think it would be nice to be a really good horn player even though I'm actually very happy doing what I'm doing and it's all to easy to fall into the "grass is greener" trap (they're on the good horn player side, I'm on the "could do better" side). And all though I can only see all my shortcomings and failings as a horn player I know players who to my mind are complete players yet express the same misgivings about their own abilities.
But in reality this kind of self doubt is what drives us to better ourselves.
What a lot of waffle and and navel gazing. This is why I don't do horn geeky stuff, it never does anyone any good.
Maybe I'll listen to more WOTE, a much better use of my time.

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