Open To Being Open, Brighton

Second day in Brighton and had a rather excellent time. Lots of walking, food, beer and wine - topped off with a bit of Christmas shopping.
Today's main shot was taken through the window of the little Thai restaurant where we had our evening meal. It was taken shooting through one OPEN sign to the one across the street but also summed up my feelings about Brighton - it's city that's open about being open to it's diverse denizens and celebrating that fact. Maybe we all need to have a bit more tolerance towards each other.
The second shot is called "First Punch At The Pier" - it's actually three blokes involved in shadow boxing but a trick of perspective makes it look like something else entirely. The last image is called "Not Joining The Party" - I think for obvious reasons!
I've now got just one extra shot left for the rest of the year so I'll have to use it wisely!

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