a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Pissed as a parrot

I don't know how extensively this phrase is used in common parlance. Maybe it's just an Australianism.

If it's not a phrase you know, it's much the same as "pissed as a newt." (Do newts get pissed? Anyone? Anyone?*)

In the case of parrots, the saying is definitely true. These lorikeets get absolutely legless on the berries from the umbrella tree.

You know how a drunk human can fall down the stairs and not break his neck the way he would if he were sober? The lorikeets are the same - they forget that they can't actually fly through windows and out the other side of the house. So they'll take off, hit the large glass panes with a tremendous wallop (startling the bejesus out of you in the process) and out of the corner of your eye you'll see a body plummeting to earth.

But are they hurt? Never!** They'll sit there for a minute, shaking their heads, swearing quietly and wondering 'where the hell did that come from?" in lorikeet-speech. And then, after a bit of staggering around, they're perfectly fine.

Aside from having a massive headache once the alcohol wears off, I imagine.

* Bueller.....?

**Unless a neighbourhood cat has clued in to this, and sits there waiting for a lorikeet to literally drop into his lap....

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