Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Sunday — Simple Decorations

This is pretty much the extent of my decorating here at our Central Coast house. Because we may not be here for Christmas, I didn’t decorate much. I’ve hung two stockings in the front room and hung these two Christmas kitchen towels and that’s it.

Actually I don’t own many Christmas decorations anymore — after selling our big home 18 months ago most of our decorations were gone after the moving sale.

I used to decorate to the “Nth” degree (whatever that means). It look me several days to do all the decorating and it took just as many days to un-decorate and pack it all away at the end of the holiday season. I enjoyed it immensely, but honestly I don’t miss the work. So now I keep it simple, and I go out to see the decorations others have done (like going to the Holiday Home Tour that I blipped yesterday).The homes were beautiful and I enjoyed them without doing all the work.

Tomorrow we get up early and will leave here at O’dark-thirty to drive back to our Southern California home. I have several doctors appointments this week and we have grandkids and great-grandkids to see.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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