1872. TT237 not the trimmings I want..
I’m going to have a rant....please feel free to ignore my writing today!
I am absolutely incensed at the waste of paper that is our general election...whilst most of the parties bang on about the climate emergency they all have constantly put out leaflet after leaflet...ok I get that...BUT...I live in an apartment block and there is a security door which after a certain time of day they can’t get into without asking a resident to let them in...and our mail boxes are on the inside of the security door....so some idiot representing the party who are likely to win this election had the bright idea of just dumping masses of leaflets outside the door...in the wind and rain we’ve had overnight. Really? So I’ve just had to brave the torrential rain to go out around our complex and gather up these now soggy leaflets and put them in the bin...ok they’ve been recycled but what is the actual point of doing this? We’re all trying to do our bit for saving the planet and I know that recycling a few leaflets isn’t going to do it alone but dropping them in the street serves no useful purpose at all...so Mr. Johnson ....no your candidate will not get my vote....
Rant over....normal service resumed...so thank you to carol_dunham for hosting Tiny Tuesday...my next one will be a bit less well....ranty!
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