Beautiful sunrise

Thursday 5th December 2019


What a glorious sunrise! It was the start of a long and emotional roller coaster day. Morning service as usual and then a very big funeral for the village. The church was packed, standing room only. We had a very large guard of honour from the Police and the Ambulance service. A privilege to conduct it but I was totally drained afterwards. With the wake as well it took all afternoon. 

I then had two hours to learn my lines for a sketch (didn't quite manage that so had my sheet in front of me) and it was then back to the church hall for the MU Christmas Party. I took part in the concert afterwards, doing a comedy monologue and stepping in to cover someone who was ill in another sketch, alongside various Christmas songs. It was actually quite a good release. 

I haven't been able to post this until 10th because my old computer has been playing up and it has also been a bit hectic. I've also backblipped yesterday. 

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