
By chrispybox

The reveal

Thanks for following the story.

Here is the finished product.

The box on the tree from yesterday’s Blip contains a unicorn purse.

The box will be placed on the tree whilst my grandaughter is being distracted so it will be the surprise at the end of the story.

The purse is made by a company called Mala and hence the name of the fairy in the story which I’m sure you have already spotted.

So a gift from the fairy.

The Epilogue

My grandson lost several teeth over the last year and was rewarded with a couple of €s from the tooth fairy. My granddaughter has not lost any so no money from the tooth fairy. She was rather concerned so she wrote notes to the tooth fairy and left them by her fairy doors in her house. She told them she had been good. So hopefully she will enjoy not only the story but the unicorn purse.

The last word - back to normal tomorrow.

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