
By Hirundo

Martin Luther King Day

Real story, bear with me...

When at a conference a few years a go in Atlanta, two colleagues and I decided to go and visit the Martin Luther King Center. Got off the subway at the wrong stop and we got totally lost.

On a random corner was a church, so we went in to ask directions. We were welcomed with open arms - it was the Ebeneezer Baptist Church, MLK's old church.

We were shown round by a couple of lovely, friendly older ladies. They showed us the lecturn where MLK preached; one of them had even been baptised by "Reverend Martin". I bought this book there...

Those ladies had seen so much in their lives; inequality, bigotry, violence, segregation. You would never have known.

So moving, so memorable.

Happy Birthday To Ya! Stevie Wonder (long-term idol I'm afraid!...) played a major part with this track in pushing the US Administration to recognise 15th January as Martin Luther King Day...

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