Of all kinds

In an effort to find a certain size of knitting needle I had to empty the whole lot out. I had not realised that I had collected so many over the years, although I suspect that some were from my mother, who was a very keen knitter. They have not been used in a long time, as my most recent knitting has been with tiny needles and mainly with double pointed ones - they are elsewhere. 

Interesting also to look at the different materials used. I don't think anyone uses the old aluminium ones now - just imagine how many there are of these stored away in homes. I suppose they might recycle. 

The container is one I found in a market in Thailand. It was a number of years ago, when we were making our first visit to New Zealand, but I still remember these baskets hanging up and thinking - now that would be just right . . . and this one has hung, full of needles, on the side of a bookcase in my room ever since. 

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