
By dennismccoy79

Tree and sky

Great sunshine here this morning and, as rain was forecast for this afternoon, we took our walk early.  We have nearly finished the annual accounts, but still have the final spreadsheets to do.  What a chore that is; the Revenue are introducing a new online system from next year. Horatio only knows how complicated that will be.   This evening we hosted old friends for drinks. It was great to catch up, but aperos are not meant to last from 5.30 to 9.00pm.   And now a spoiler alert: boring camera talk follows. DPD took some of my old camera gear away today.  I loved my Nikon D90 and its 18 to 105 lens and I shall miss them .  It took amazing shots until the very end.  But I have gone FX(35mm) and a new (ish) D610 is now set to join my sturdy D700.  Will more megapixels help?  Probably not!

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