POG's Journal


One of my favorite type of days...

Don't forget to vote!

My Day:
Blipping now to get it out of the way as I have plans for the day… 

Another poor night’s sleep, once the Christmas & new year season has been and gone, I am sure things will return to normal.

I went and voted first thing then drove to the supermarket for supplies, then back home. I have a couple of parcels winging their way to me from Amazon so need to hang around for them. It would be nice if they arrive sooner than later but whenever will be fine.

I must nip to B&Q for something, which I will do once my parcels arrive.

I have prepped the wood burner for tonight in readiness for watching the election result stream in after 22:00, before then I plan to visit the club with grub for some supper. As the club with no grub is on the way home, I will pop in there to top up my iron and be back home for just after 10:00.

As I’ve commented on a few blips I really love elections for some reason, I have never been very political but have always voted and never told anyone how I vote, which is my right under the secret ballot format. I do have a view that you should not voice an opinion unless you vote.

Right lunch is calling so enough of this rambling…
The Photo:
The photo is of an old Campagnolo front track hub, the wheel is built with the spokes in a radial format (they don’t cross each other). The rear wheel is build crossed on the sprocket side and radial on the other. It was quite a popular combination many moons ago.
More tomorrow,


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