Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Birthday Party at the Arnold Arboretum

Mason giving a thumbs up for the Birthday Party for his Auntie! My yougest sister just turned 25 ;_; - why isn't she still a baby!? She's the one who created my logo btw, a very talented young woman! And thank you all for the positive feedback on the pet photography business, very encouraging!!

We all had a lot of fun walking around the arboretum munching on picnic foods and eating a cookie pie as the birthday cake. Yum! Owen engaged everyone in a game of zombies vs. humans. The antidote was him tagging anyone, so the zombies were rather at a disadvantage of ever increasing their numbers. I suppose that is the way I'd like a zombie apocalypse to go ... I'll make sure Owen touches them all should there ever be one ;)

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