In Which I Buy Books
No, I do NOT need more books, but that has never stopped me from buying them! There was a used book sale in our work building on this day to benefit United Way. Paperbacks were a buck, hardbacks two bucks. I bought this stack for under $20 total. That's a steal!
You can see Tiny Tiger guarding my haul, which includes several John Sandford, Janet Evanovich, and Terry Brooks selections. And I have finally acquired a copy of Grandma Gatewood's Walk, a tale about a great-grandmother who walked the Applachian Trail several times.
There's also a large art book on the bottom with lovely pictures in it of Impressionist works at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, a museum I adore but have not visited in ten years or more. The Impressionists are a favorite of mine, which perhaps you may have guessed from the sorts of photos I take.
And just above that, there are a local history book and a church cook book which I'm sure will yield some delightful new recipes! What a nice stack of books. I have been known to polish off a book a day when I have the time. So here's to happy reading on the cold winter days!
The soundtrack song is Enya with Book of Days.
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