
This cold has really taken a hold of me today, bleurgh. I headed to a local old people's home where Asha and her class were performing a Catalan christmas play...she did so well bless her. She'd worked hard learning her lines. The kids were all delighted to discover hot chocolate and churros waiting for them afterwards!
Later I bumped into a Sa Penya friend - 2 days ago she had 22 teeth taken out in one go!! Poor woman! She's got temporary ones in at the mo, but imagine that, how awful!! Hopefully it'll be worth in the end.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A lovely and hilarious 10 mins sat with a group of old men in the nursing home...before I realised I was in the wrong place, ha! They were so friendly and unsurprised by my presence I didn't realise I wasn't where I should be. 
2) Asha doing well in her play - she's been nervous. She was the cockerel...in Catalan they say quiquiriquí.
3) Abby voting by proxy for us. Grateful she was willing to do that for us so we could have a voice. 

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