General Election 2019
Hopefully no one reading this has voted for the Party of Hate (Tory).
Thankfully in my everyday world I don’t know anyone that does and they wish for a Scotland that isn’t shackled to Westminster and being told what to do by a party that has never won a majority here.
A country that voted to stay in the EU and welcomes everyone with a leader that doesn’t spout racist and homophobic bile.
We walked up to the Scout Hut as usual Ben, Breagha, me and Paps. Breagha was welcomed too and gave a wee howl to say hello. Ben said he had to put on a serious face for the photo, already he has made up his own mind that he doesn’t like Boris. He has heard the newsround they get at school and heard him speak(?) on the tv. Well done Ben.
Let’s hope the Buffoon doesn’t get what he wants tomorrow but I fear he will.
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