Well I've had a fab day, I slept in til 9, after a couple of mid-night call outs. Love her!! Quick shower, brekkers, a short loop with Ella who was'nt up to speed on the way out but trotting back. That's Ella by the way not me ;- )) Then jumped in the car, drove to Newton Abbot picked up Jude, an old school friend, then went on a mystery tour of the town to find Bobbette's house, another school friend that I had'nt seen for 49 years. We had a wonderful chat & reminisce over coffee. Then it was time to head back, I dropped Jude back home then back to Ella in Torquay. I opened the door, walked in expecting to see Ella fast asleep in one of her beds, she was'nt in either of them or on "her" settee. OMG!!!!This did'nt bode well, she only sleeps in her beds. I walked into the breakfast room, nope she was'nt there. By now my heart is racing, questioning whether I could have shut her outside when I left ... I walked back into the kitchen & spotted the tip of her tail sticking out at the end of the kitchen cabinet. SHE was eating her lunch. Phew!!!! What a relief! Ella being totally deaf, a virtually blind had'nt heard me come in. She probably would'nt have greeted me even if she had heard me actually, she that kinda dog. A dog with attitude. LOL!!
Made lunch, then did some more knitting, wrote a few more Xmas cards. Is it really Xmas soon?? I'm not in the mood for it at all. I feel as if I should be drinking a glass of sherry next to an open fire with candlelight & carols playing in the background while writing these cards, instead of which I have rain lashing against the windows.
Made peanut butter veggie ramen for dinner so tasty. Then an episode of The Gold Diggers, followed by Masterchef The Professionals. A good episode tonight, some interesting creative chefs remaining for the final next week. Should be interesting.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday & the subject Colour
I did'nt have to look too far for this blip just the adjoining bedroom to mine.
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