These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

A typical day in the life...

Today is marked with numerous stories that typically only arise in the world of children. I do not know if I'll remember all of them, but I'll list off the highlights.

1. Tyler continued his independent printing schemes only this time, he actually created a superhero figure, named it and then printed it off. He ran upstairs with a printed superhero that said TYLER at the top. He then ran back downstairs, printed off another one, this time a girl in a pink suit and at the top, it said, MOMMY!" I need to get parental control on my computer and soon!

2. Kiah serenaded us multiple times with "Jump shake your booty!" Mia asked her, "Kiah, did you learn that at Sunday school?"

3. When taking Tyler's picture before going to help dad coach, Tyler was taking the picture part very seriously. He tried for two minutes to get his hands in his pockets so he looked professional for the picture. Eventually he gave up and crossed his arms. Hilarious!

4. Tyler screamed during the end of the varsity game and every time the other team got the ball, he would yell as loud as possible, "OH NO! That's bad. We don't like that team. We don't want them to have the ball. Bad bad bad!" (mortifying mortifying mortifying)

5. During the basketball game, I was watching intently and a woman behind me tapped me on the shoulder and said, "I just wanted you to know that your daughter has her pants off." I looked down and she had her pants and her diaper around her ankles. ARGH!!

6. Besides pulling her pants down, the only other thing entertaining Mia at the game was picking up every stray piece of garbage, candy, gum, etc. that had been left in the bleachers. She didn't eat any of them but brought everything over to me. I arrived home this evening with a pocket full of really disgusting items gathered from the basketball game.

7. When dropping Mia off for AWANA tonight, I asked her if she was going to cry (she always does). She said that she was. I then asked why. She told me, "So Miss Merriam will hold me!" I couldn't believe it. She thought she had to cry every time I leave just so her teacher would hold her. I told her that Merriam would hold her even if she didn't cry. When I left, there was no crying involved.

Well, I think that's about it for now. It was an entertaining day. Josh's team only lost by 5 and they easily could have won. It's a wonderful improvement from the first game of the season!

Bye for now.

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