Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Winter wonder

land, or...?
It's been snowing all day today, so in order to get myself out the door I thought I'd bring my camera and take some fun snow photos by the stone bridge. I didn't look forward to go out in the snow storm, but the thought of a nice photo made me bundle up and out the door. I must confess that I thought myself to be rather crazy a couple of times, plodding through the snow with my black clothes transformed into white, snow blowing in my face and getting in under my scarf.
It was rather cold so I just took a couple of photos and turned home again. Just before I was about to cross the large road I need to cross to get to the stone bridge there was a large snow plough charging down the main road, spraying the side of the road with not so white snow. I backed a couple of steps, didn't want to be covered in that guck to! They have a lot to do now, the snow ploughs, trying to keep the streets and road clear of never ending snow fall. It looked like he saw me and waved, but that could have been him stroking his head or something. I scurried across the street as soon as I had green light to walk, there was a large lorry standing in wait of driving just were I crossed, so I didn't want him to have to try and stop when he was on his way.
When I came home, I just left my camera and tripod and went out again to leave the book at the library and go to the shop. I've been have this cravings for something sweet for the last couple of days and been chewing apples like crazy... not helping... One of the things I told myself to get out the door was that if I went for a walk and then to the store I could get some chocolate or something sweet there... At that time I saw myself with a large box of chocolate, those nice small ones filled with all kinds of yummy stuff... Yes, I got a really bad craving! And when I got to the shop I knew it would be different, I wouldn't come home with every bit of chocolate there were. I came home with two small marzipan bars and one of them are still in my fridge. :) But it is rather nice just to think about that really large box of chocolate sometimes... :)

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