
By hpx

Funny old day

Despite my best efforts things didn't improve and I ended up taking a couple of hours off work to go to the surgeon's rooms today.

I must say they're extremely kind, responsive and caring. It's also true to add I won't be adding the procedures administered to my list of 'fun things everyone should experience before turning 50'. No, indeed.

Mum and Dad bused into university and visited my new office (I didn't demonstrate my ability to blip whilst hanging out a 7th floor window ;-) A nice man was busily sealing the window and gap between window frame and building. Hopefully I won't have to wear my down jacket at my desk any more....

The surgeon's nurse said "you won't feel like it, but maybe try a small run tonight". Boy, that had to be the understatement of the day! I probably looked twice my age and sounded like I needed new rings and bearings ;-) It's not often I'd describe running as a cruel and unusual punishment. I suspect she's not a runner....

While cooking dinner I experimented with one of my new toys. Well 3 of them in that the macro filters came in a pack of 3. Yes, we're not talking nice macro lens here, but for NZ $70 I'm going to have a whole lot of fun experimenting with these little pieces of glass singly and stacked.

I quite like the result (Mum made the excellent job of the stir fried peppers). I'm fond of the shot of the hairy bummed Golden Queen peach. After my experience today, it's rather apt!


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