
Need something to cheer me up after our works Christmas dinner last night!
Quite the worst food I have the misfortune to sample for some time! Starters was a minuscule tart thing cut in half and arranged at right angles on the plate with a topping of what can only be described as grass! Main was leatherette beef tougher than the soul of my shoe, some creamed squash sauce that looked that the chef (if they had one) had slipped in. it Armour-plated sprouts that would not succumb to any penetration no matter how sharp the implement , a dod of mashed tattiess and I think a sliver of parsnip of a lesser quality I used to feed my dearly departed rabbit! Pudding was two lonely triangles of what was masquerading as Christmas pudding but was more like dumpling gone wrong with an eyedropper full of sickly snotty yellow stuff  pretending to be brandy sauce! To top it all the entire shebang wasn't even what come close to being lukewarm!
Entertainment was a guy accompanied by a laptop belting out pop songs at ear shattering volume and so close to the mic that it was verging on the obscene and to think I parted with £27 for this disgusting dogs dinner. Needless to say, I shan't be returning to that particular establishment in Tarbert! After dinner the  rest of my workforce spilled onto the postage sized dance floor to strut their stuff, turkeys would have been more entertaining!  A night hopefully never to be repeated .

So I leave you with our lit up garden tree.

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