
So, Friday and much to digest. First up, the deluded. No1, John Lansman, leader of the Momentum death cult. "Democracy gives power to people, ‘Winning’ is the small bit that matters to political elites who want to keep power themselves." Yes, indeed, this from the man who proclaims that the Wilderness Years are over and Socialism is now mainstream. Winning is the small bit that err actually enables you to actually, y’know, do stuff. But hey, it’s all about widening the discourse. Next, Burgon, Richard. "In 2017 with the same leader and a similar manifesto we gained 3m votes.
What changed? This became a Brexit election."
There you have it. It "became" a Brexit election and the leader, the fleet footed Corbyn, responded swiftly to that, armed as he is with the wisdom which comes from learning decades of Marxist theory. Right? Now for the next step forward, comrades.
Honestly, they need cleared out a la Kinnock. Hard times ahead.
Anyway, there was good pub chat with GC in Whigham’s and later with AJ in the Dreadnought.
Whither Scotland high on the agenda of course. I’d say watch this space, but actually I’m sure there are much much better spaces to watch.

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