Evening delight

After a particularly mediocre day, I've had a great night so far...and it's only 7pm!

1. I wore my new trainers (pictured) for the first time on the run home. It was a little weird at first and I felt like my shins were twisting as I was running. But after about 4 miles, I got used to them and they felt good. I have no blisters and the bone in my foot that was giving me trouble is not aching! Result!

2. I got my third university mark back. A good solid B! This makes me feel better, I'm happy with that! So I now have a high A, a solid B and a low C. It could be worse! I'm counting the C as a freak anomaly now :)

3. I made the most awesome haddock in a garlic and cherry tomato sauce with Mediterranean spiced bulgar wheat for tea. I wasn't sure if it would work, but it was amazingly tasty!

A good end to the day! Hope everyone else is enjoying their evening!

Exercise: 6.5 mile run home
January running mileage: 57.5 miles

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