Life through the lens...

By ValC

Clear Off!

As you can see we still have snow.
After the thaw started yesterday, by late afternoon it began to freeze again, and although we haven't had any more, what we did have is still here.
It has been freezing all day. The pavements are now very slippy, although the roads are clear.

This photo was taken early morning, just after I had put the bird's food out.
Our very bossy female blackbird won't let any other bird on to the table.
Not the clearest of shots, as it was taken through the kitchen window, but just look at the eye contact!!
Needless to say the little sparrow didn't stop!
However it did go onto the wall where I had put some more food.
She hasn't been able to patrol both places at once!

We had a very enjoyable wine tasting last night.
New World wines from Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and Chile.
Our favourite wine was from Australia:

Dandelion Vineyards, Shiraz,Riesling , 2009 From McLaren Vale.

Very unusual to have 3% white Riesling grapes blended with the red Shiraz, but the taste was very good. A nice fruity, robust wine for a cold winters evening.

The meal afterwards was very good too,
Smoked mackerel pate with cucumber pickle and bradmalt toast.
Followed by Slow roasted pork belly with caramelised apple mash, purple sprouting broccoli, savoy cabbage and cider jus. (wonder when they will go back to calling it " gravy" ? )

Today have stayed in, and after washing and ironing, have made one lot of marmalade.

Forcast -10C tonight! Keep warm all you blippers!

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