"Instant Dereliction": I'm glad it wasn't me!
When I went to our local shops for a paper this morning (and a bit of a bliphunt walk) I came across this scene of what must have been instant dereliction which had happened overnight. As you may be able to see, this is was a "pelican" crossing for pedestrians, and the pavements (sidewalks) are extended a little into the road to assist pedestrians. The traffic lights were situated on the extension: presumably someone mustn't have noticed this and ploughed into the light, snapping it clean off. The only sign of the remains of the offending vehicle were the bits of bumper (fender) that you can see so it must have happened several hours before I passed by (and the broken-off light post had been moved to the side of the pavement).
I hope no-one was hurt.
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday (this is my second DS tag this week!).
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