The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Hand made Christmas?

Maybe, but not like Kirstie Allsop's! Just the usual middle and cockups. Will I get the Christmas cards done? Yes, but they will be wonky. Right on trend...

My sinuses are feeling painful now. At one point, I went back to bed today, and that helped. Then the War of Art vegan inside me, and Art won, for a change. Usually Procrastination gets the upper hand, unless cooking is involved.

There is simply too much to be done over the next ten days, to contemplate working for another five days. The thing about retail, and health and social care, is that it doesn't take a break. It can't. (Well, retail could).

On we go. Back to bed, in my case, because it's time. Today, Spotify has helped keep the gloomy thoughts about the future of our country at bay. Thank you, Spotify!

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