Super Receiver, Aylesford

Apparently, there is a new term used when it comes to flu and cold warnings during the winter. A "super spreader" refers, nearly exclusively, to small children who seem to be rather wonderful at spreading colds and the flu during this time of year. This happens because they often go on family visits and pass on the infection to relatives and family members, particularly older and more vulnerable members. Some doctors are advising parents to make sure their small children have the flu jab to counteract the situation.
My problem seems to be that I have the opposite problem, I seem to be a super receiver and have picked up yet another stinking cold. Strangely, I have no young relatives and I'm not particularly old or regard myself as vulnerable but, regular as clockwork, this time of year I always catch bad colds and the odd bout of flu. So the only culprits I can think of are work and public transport - both probably good breeding grounds!
Today's shot sort of represents how I feel at the moment - a bit shattered.

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