An angel...

I've never, since the first time I bought my own tree, had ornaments that are all the same. Every ornament on my tree (& later, "our" tree) has special meaning to me/us, so it's hard to pick just one favorite. I have ornaments from places I've traveled to, ornaments of things that have happened to us over the years (hence the raccoon & the motorcycle ornaments, but that's another story) and ornaments made by by nieces, nephews and my daughter. This angel was made for us by Jennie when she was 6. Every year when she sees it she tells me to throw it away, but it would be like throwing away a piece of my heart. Someone else would look at this and see a child's scribbled drawing, but I see a head bent over the table, laboriously drawing, then writing, (frustrated that there "wasn't enough room" on the bottom to fit the date on it very well), then cutting it out and fashioning a "hanger", all the while telling me not to peek, then wrapping it up and proudly putting it under the tree. It was funny that when Mae helped me decorate the tree, I took the lid off the box of ornaments and the first one she reached for was this one. I told her that her mama had made it when she was six, and Mae said it was so SWEET of her mama to do that, and could she pick the spot on the tree to hang it--so it's front and center!    :)))  Thanks to Carolina for hosting MonoMonday and her theme of FAVORITE (ornament). 

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