Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Fitness January continues

Wiggy the piggy made it tonight !! Tits McGee and me the champion polar bear .. We were motoring this evening !! The frost was already forming at 7pm when we set off it was jolly nippy out I can tell you ...
We loitered under a few different street lights .. No one asked us for sex.
When we got back to Wiggys she made us star jump and we hid in the shadow of her garage and also did some press ups ... It was unsightly .
Earlier today I thought I was ill as I had a fit of being all housewifery and cleaned the blinds in the lounge .. I got quite a sweaty top lip.
Something is bothering me,I have many guests due here this weekend but I am a little worried that the snow that is allegedly meant to fall will scupper our plans ...

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