Giant glowing flowers!
Busy day! I started it off by doing a little video for my friend's daughter - about what Christmas means to me, for a school project - then realised I was really late. Rushed around and managed to get out more or less on time, amazingly. Still ended up being late for work though, after an epic quest to buy second class stamps on the way in (I failed).
Had a really busy day at work, but I did manage to make time to attend the last pilates class of the year, at lunchtime. Stayed a little late this evening trying to catch up a bit on emails, but then had to run for the train as I could see that later ones had been cancelled. Made a quick pitstop on the highwalk to capture the glowing tulips though :)
Busy evening too, and managed to shut two of my fingers in the kitchen door when I was putting out the bins (pulled it shut behind me as I went in, and simultaneously stuck my fingers in the closing hinge while feeling for the light switch). OWW! Properly throbbing now.
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