Warmer than yesterday (above zero degrees C), but not brilliant out. Most of the day indoors, with some time fault finding on this control board for an old running machine. According to the owner, a work colleague, it was perhaps a bit damp when turned on, and there followed a continuous load arcing noise. Some sort of short circuit. Removed a few faulty bits, and cleaned it up. Need to hunt around for spares, though I can't properly test it on is own.
The owner was in touch with the UK distributor (made in the USA), that gave a fairly "classic" answer, that would be likened to the saga some Builders are (in)famous for:
"Hmmm. They're really hard to get hold of now. A replacement from the manufacturer would be about (pause, whilst he thinks of a daft and large enough number, and gives the illusion of breaking the news gently)... £900."
Owner not daft enough to bite that bait, so try another ploy that'll seem reasonable in comparison. "Just remembered, we have an old one kicking about the store. We could sell you that for about £350." Don't mention delivery and VAT. Try and hook 'em first, before that extra sting.
Owner, "Thanks. I'll think about it..."
Next port of call = PL
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