Lakes drive

Had a great night staying at my best friends house in Kendal. It’s many years since it was just us too. We tried a couple of micro brewery pubs I’d never been in and had a delicious meal. It rained all day and night, and the River Kent right below her kitchen window was very high. I took the 555 bus back to Carnforth, then we went to visit mum at the Alzheimer’s care home she lives in now in Bare. She’s settled in well, and it seems to be a happy place there.
Dad and I opted for a drive up the Lakes, as the weather was supposed to clear. It didn’t, so we hardly got out of the car, first stop was lunch at the Brown Horse at Winster. The second was the Mortal Man at Troutbeck for a beer.
In the evening we were invited to dinner at a relative’s, they moved to a grand house in Yealand, it was my first visit and the huge roast dinner was delicious.

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