In My World

By JoanneInOz

Flowering Pony Tails

For days on end the temperatures had been high, well into the thirties celsius, but the humidity was the real killer!

The light for taking outdoor photos has been way too bright and glary too, so you can imagine how thrilled I was when the temperature plummeted by ten degrees within a couple of hours, changing the light of the day completely.

The rain was coming down in buckets as well, so I stood indoors and zoomed in on the flowers of our Pony Tail plants, down in the pool garden. Each of the children (when we only had three!) had planted a Pony Tail many years ago, claiming them as their own plants to care for.

The tiny plants of many moons ago have become rather large now and this year, for the very first time, they are in flower ~ I hadn't expected them to flower at all!

I've just added the last two back blips for October (October? Yikes!!) and they can be seen here and here.

And then I have to add back blips for November and December (not today though, no time!) but they will all get into my journal eventually. :)

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