
By AngelaA


When you train as a teacher, there are some things your lecturers can't really prepare you for. One of these things is your ability to deal with (professionally) some students lack of control of their bodily functions and poor personal hygiene.

Whilst working in secondary education, I mostly only had to endure the odd extra smelly art lesson (due to 8G having trampolining the lesson prior to mine). I have however discovered Primary education is on a whole other level. I think some poor child has either been sick or wet themselves every day in the last six days in my new school. Runny noses and sneezing are standard. The flatulence is also unreal. There's a consistent smell of fart in the KS1 corridor.

Apparently, this is very normal. This makes me want to *gag*. I'm clearly a lightweight and have been told by the other staff, this is due to me not being a mummy. This really does not sell motherhood to me!
When I saw this 'Gas' cover in the road, I knew it had to my blip of the day.....

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