Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today we had Teamwork in the greenhouse. and a bit of 'Santas Work place'. There were 3 steps/stations. 1: putting that white fluff around the Amaryllis bulb and put some cinnamon sticks onto. 2: put cellophane around the Amaryllis and secure it with tape. 3: tie ribbons in a bow around the cellophane top and curl the ribbons. We also had a 'thing' to divide one ribbon into 3 or more thinner ribbons. I was involved in step 2 and 3. 
This was an order from a customer, and all hands on deck making over 82 of these. 
I was so tired my brain shut down and I felt like I couldn't form sentences. So happy non of the customers in the greenhouse asked me any questions! And, so I had to re-prioritise my 'to do'-list. To tired to be baking anything this evening!

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