Knockout gas....

A day best forgotten.
Once everything was fed, set up the slurry pump to shift more slurry up to the storage tank. However the pump wouldn’t Prime and start sucking properly. After a lot of buggering about it eventually decided to go but when I went up to the tank there was a pipe not connected and slurry was flowing onto the ground . After a major sprint back down the yard I managed to stop the tractor quick smart.
So most of the afternoon spent sucking it up with the tanker .
A trip into town tonight to meet Mrs F for the “ Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols “ at St Giles’ Cathedral . Littlemiss singing in the choir.
Don’t tell anyone, but I actually quite enjoyed it . Must be going soft in my old age !
Spotted this on the wall behind where I was sitting, in among many others of the great and the good of days gone by.

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