This was at some do in Palmer's Green

Wasn't really. 

Was Secret Santa at Work.

I thought I was getting there with the social anxiety, but not really.  Even standing in the kitchen with people i know and see every single day was a major stress issue. 

As was the "gift giving" for someone  - was it okay, would they like it...  

I watched from the corner and seen him smile as he unwrapped the box - and then put it down away from everyone. 

Later I said, "was it nice", and he said, "lovely", And I said, "wow, that's good, the sweat I've lost over that".  And he said, no - you made a good choice.    And I said "I made them".  And he looked stunned. 

He came back to me later and said "are you sure you made them - there was even a wee label inside with the types of chocolate"  and i Said, "i typed them up... I typed them...

I was delighted - that he liked the present, that he thought they were shop bought.  (See extra)

SJ topped her Dressing up today -  Unbelievable!  

Busy, Busy day at work.  We are Never going to get there by January.  

Not ever. 

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