Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today I've been hanging with our customer plants. Some of them isn't doing well and I was on a bit of detective hunt for the problem with one of them. After taking off all of the withered leaves, as my boss and I concluded was a good start... It wasn't totally dead... just a lot of leaves had suddenly dried. I noticed a strange dark brown colouration on one of the leaves that was on its way to dry out. Asked my boss about it and she concluded that it might have a sickness of some sort. So, my task for tomorrow is to change soil - remove all soil and rinse the roots in water. Then replant it in new soil and hope for the best. :) 
We had some boxes filled with pots coming in and we all gathered around them. Sometimes more things than pots arrive. People forget that there're not only pots in that box... Our boss found this cute little pot in the shape of a coffee cup. It was washed and I said 'This would look lovely with a little flower in!' Another coworker said that this would be my project! The glass jar came and I thought of the arrangement I made at home and made a remark about what to do with that one. It landed in 'my' pile... My boss thought I could take a break from the plants and do this instead. So I did. And these are my two little arrangements, up for sale. :) It's alos nice to show customers how easy this can be! A cute pot/glass jar, a little plant, a decoration and done! I do have moss in the jar, to cover the plastic pot. I also had a thought that I would show the customers how they can use the metal hearts, stars and Christmas trees. Hopefully someone sees this and think it's cute.
I also made a decision to instead of sewing a toy for my cousins little son, I would buy one. That felt a bit, because he's the most important person this Christmas and not sewing for him... mmm... So, I went to the store and I looked at the toys and I thought that they were NOT something I wanted to give to him! Now I'm making a larger pattern and then I'm needle felting the eyes and sewing them on. I'm reprioritising again. Not fun to juggle lack of energy and lots of things to do.  

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