Oh No You Didn’t!

The whole school went by coach to see the pantomime in Bishop Stortford. I’d had my expectations set very low by my job share partner so was very pleasantly surprised as it turned out to be really good. Most of our children loved it and joined in with the singing and dancing, booing, laughing and ‘he’s behind you-ing’.
We had a late lunch back at school then only an hour to kill this afternoon. After giving the children a present each from us (and receiving a very generous John Lewis voucher form the parents) we made a hasty exit at 3.30. We are definitely ready for the holidays!
This evening ‘The Dong Dongs’ sang at the church next door as part of the junior school carol service then, as D is out on his work do and I couldn’t be bothered to cook, I took Alf and Pops for McDonald’s.
Am now home with the tv to myself and a large glass of wine.

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