Abstract Thursday : : Lights and Movement
Sometimes the pictures I like best are the accidental ones. I was having no luck capturing bokeh lights on the Christmas tree when accidentallyI moved the camera before the shutter was finished. I've never had much luck capturing an intentional motion shot, but I liked this unintentional one.
I spent some time this morning wrapping a few little gifts I got for friends. I've decided not to buy any wrapping paper or ribbon this year, so have been using brown paper and string. I'll wait until the last moment to go up into the field to find some red berries or a sprig of something green to tuck under the string.
I have worked hard at simplifying this year. I really liked one Blipper's family decision to have only hand made or foraged Christmas gift next year and will work in that direction. I do know from pervious years' similar attempts that it isn't necessarily easier, or less stressful, but it certainly is more fun. I used to like shopping, but the older I get the more time I seem to spend thinking about thinking about it rather than actually doing it.
The only problem with simplifying is that I keep thinking there's something essential that I've forgotten....
One more batch of cookies to decorate as soon as John gets home from the store with more powdered sugar. Cookies seem to be well received by everybody at this time of year... even if they are men or Jewish and nothing else seems appropriate.
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