Last day of term...

I remember at school that on the last day of term you got (usually) to watch films, read books or play games.

Not in the Scottish Parliament however - I was in my office just after 7.00, by 8.00 had done a Radio 4 Today Programme Interview and by 9.00 was in Bute House waiting for the First Minister’s Press Conference to start which was the most memorable part of the day and the most important given the major document she launched and the clear message she sent.

At 10.30  I was back in Parliament to take a courtesy call from Jacob Rees Mogg in his role as Leader of the House of Commons about the Queen’s Speech  and then I answered a question in the Chamber at 11.50 before starting on what was really my main task of the day - leading Stage 3 of the Referendum Bill - at 1.45.  

We voted on the final amended bill at 4.40 and then there was time to buy a drink for the bill team (always a tradition at the end of the a bill process) and share one with my colleagues on the fourth floor of the Ministerial block.

And then I got to go home....

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