Up at what is an ungodly hour these dark mornings. For I had arranged a catch up with my fellow green Brompton owner, LadyF. I say catch up, I could hardly keep up - three times round Arthur’s Seat and I was just hanging on. So it was good to sit afterwards and have a coffee at Söderberg. What chats! But shhh! I’m a gentleman after all. But great fun. The seaside next time.
A wander into several emporia thereafter searching for gifts for the daughter and another. Home, mission accomplished, to find a log delivery. OK, it was only two bags, and it’s a very petite log store but I felt very manly restocking it. Until I espied a huge spider behind a log I lifted. Huge! Quite took me back to the days when as a wee boy big spiders would regularly be reported as having been discovered on bananas in ships on the docks, usually accompanied by some terrifying photo. As a child, spiders were quite the scariest things I could imagine. I couldn’t even turn the pages of a nature book for fear there was a spider illustration over the page and my fingers may inadvertently touch it. Now, ha, I just laugh it off. Ha ha ha. Though don’t ask me to buy a bunch of bananas.
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