Two birds : One stone... question:-
Breakfast, Brunch or lunch?
Bird #1 Alice's camera returned from repair. Relatively cheap.
Bird #2 Our clock. It's a brand well respected by "them as knows" - BUT - The "S & OH" (Shorthand for Service and overhaul) cost damnearly as much as the clock cost, to quote Beatles(?) "All those years ago".
The Jeweller's who took it in for repair is in a pedestrian area of Carlisle with about an hour or so, limited access for vehicles delivering etc. at both ends of the day; such that to be sure of getting there I shot out of the house in the wee small hours, reckoning to eat on return (08:30 I'm often not even conscious by then, let alone vertical)
I next had to make exit before I was snared and into the lanes car park.
Oh !@£$%^!!!!!! NO money for park.
I'll see what the score is on return.
Picked up Alice's camera and discovered you can pay carpark by plastic.
Thank the Lord for small mercies.
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