Forest Folk

Dear Diary,

This is my first attempt at creating an elf.  Tureena is one of the Forest Folk who live in the Maine woods around here.  She is feeding a little sparrow which I've included to show how really tiny these Forest Folk are and being of a magical bent, they can appear and disappear quite readily.  They are, however, always at the ready to help a hungry bird or to tend a sore paw of a squirrel.  I am sure glad of this since the birds and squirrels are not visiting my back porch buffet this winter!  It is -5F this morning too, the coldest this season.  The squirrel hot tub is steaming!  The good news is a nice man will come next week and do the needed repairs on my roof so Louisa and I will be able to stay drip-free!  Hooray!

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