Ha-Ha-Hanging On In There

Not a problem at the moment!  I was quite busy the rest of the day finishing this and that in preparation for tomorrow's departure.  The feeling hadn't quite sunk in till after our IKEA dinner (so that AW didn't have to cook and I didn't have to do any dishes) when, on the way home, the last number of Runrig from their live album was playing and the bagpipes and drums came on.  AW spontaneously turned up the volume as we breezed through one green traffic light after another and I whooped and shouted behind the wheel ......... I am on holiday!

So far, pieces falling into place.  Goodness, but we both worked hard this year.

Don't know where tomorrow's shot will be shot, but we are leaving fairly early, so who knows.  In the meantime, have a great solstice eve, everyone!!!!!

And thank you for all your encouragement and tokens!  Apologies if the blog isn't always interesting, but, well, that is life, I think.

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