On Our Way

Klamydia: Pyyntö (Request)

Though I may be small
I've still got something to say
Don't look over me, don't try to pass me
Through mistakes
I might learn all this
Every day I understand a little bit more

You're my everything
I'll cling onto you
I don't need any junk, only your closeness
You're my safe space
You're the shelter from everything
Don't pressure me, don't try to corner me
I've got one request for you
Don't take my childhood from me
Let me enjoy this time
Though this road would bring sorrow
And I wouldn't be the best at anything
Let me live a wholehearted life

Welcome to a world
That I built myself
Step in
I opened the gates for you
I'm telling a story
Though I don't know all the words yet
Listen to me carefully

You'll understand it all
I've got one request for you...
These moments are so precious
Soon they'll be just memories
Let me fly
With clean wings

I've got one request for you...

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