What a funny looking Squizzer !!

I had to force the feed box open this morning it was iced shut
so not only has the squizzer been feeding so have the birds and
quite a few blackbirds :-))
My pal asked me if I would pick up her 3 yr old from nursery
today, then she foned and said could she leave him with me cos
the brae was thick ice and she knew Id struggle to get down, soo
I have watched sponge bob square pants, pepper the bloody pig
thomas the tank and I can't remember the rest, but they were all
repeated throughout the time he was here, but I did manage to get
him to do some drawing and then sticking them in a patern of a
fashion then cutting them out, plus he had two bowls of lentil soup
which he thought was tomato, cos that's what I said it was cos that's
all he eats !!!!!!! and a banana and toast in that order hahaha
his Mum was shocked when I told her because he has a poor apitite
but there was no choice here take it or leave it, I know Im a hard cow !!!
It's freezing today it went down to minus 9 last night it's minus 5 now
but no more snow as yet.
hope your all having a good day...I am knackered :-))

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