Back in the day
these were for ventilation, now defunct and replaced with ugly plastic.
Felt a bit off colour last evening, thought I was going down with the flu so instead of jumping on here I took a couple of crushed Paracetemol and went to bed, so here's my back blip.
The was shining, got the laundry done and out on the line, breakfast, then made a wreath with some foliage & baubles for the front door. Lunch then wrapped a few more pressies. I drove over to walk Jorgie, found some delicious homemade petit four & biscuits, made by cassiesmum , waiting for me. I walked Jorgie up the lane, then picked up some branches for me to decorate with Xmas baubles & fairy lights on my return. By this time my throat was feeling really weird, not sore though. Sat with Jorgie for awhile before heading home. Hung the baubles up, then made dinner. Eating dinner just about finished me off, throat was really uncomfortable, began to ache all over. Now regretting NOT paying for an flu jab. BED!
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday
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