Strike that. Reverse it!


A Lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely Day

Sorry for the loveliness in the title I just have a feeling this journal will have far too many lovelies in it so see it as a pre warning :0)

In the office today which wasn't too bad apart from the onion experiment (dont ask). Had a lovely lunch with my very lovely friend whos just returned to work after having a year off on maternity. Thought it would stop the back to work blues setting in.

Then had a surprise in the afternoon when a very lovely colleague and friend came into work . I must email and message him at least once a day but I havent seen him in at least six years. Was great to catch up with him. Amazing how you dont see someone for years but its like they've never been away. Such a great surprise and a very lovely afternoon although he did bring lots of work with him!

Then a quick dash home, kids picked up, fed, bathed, put to bed and blip done then out for an even lovelier tea with the very lovely Mrs M
It may as well be a blipmeet as I know we'll spend alot of time discussing photos, lenses, cameras etc..... really looking forward to the catch up as its been a while.

Sorry for the over use of loveliness, hope you all have a very lovely wednesday evening. x

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