Give a little.bit

Christmas Eve started at 7am. When we all
Bounced out of bed..... not. ... watched the sun rise .... and the nipped into breakfast early and ran for the bus.

We arrived at the wild life park at 1015 after stopping and swapping buses and two sick ups on board.

We wandered and watched and then ran for a sea lions show.... sea lions can walk
And run on land - seals can’t. Sea lions have ear lugs. Seals don’t...

Tooli had her photo taken with one ... their copywrite. Not ours... but as we left a man shouted to her ‘did you enjoy your seal
Lions kiss’ so they obviously all thought her photo with him was as good as we didn’t.

And we had bags of food. One for camels and one for giraffes.

Camels we’re Si’s domaine ever since he came face to face with a larger than life size photo of one in the toilet on the plane!!!

Bloody hell these were big aggressive
Camels and it was only after we had fed half the bag we spotted the sign which said ‘do not feed these camels it is the mating season....’. Ooooops

This was the giraffe feeding. Wow.

Look at her face - she just adored this. It was a complete and utter joy watching her joy.

What a lovely day. We didn’t get back
Til gone half six and after showers and dinner we finished with pool and scrabble!

We know how to live

We are all exhausted now. Long lie tomorrow I think!

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