
By Hillyblips


An odd day, bit surreal really with ups and downs!

Started well with checking my mail and AnnieB here on blip sent me the link for the photo Exhibition in London and it was amazing! Secondly, celebrated a great friend's birthday in early December - now, because she was ill then! My halo slipped as I am a sucker for jam, clotted cream and scones :(( !!

The crux of the day was No 1 daughter collapsing on the floor this morning and leaving her car in a car park in Cheltenham overnight because it wouldn't start. I did go fractionally ballistic (if one can go fractionally...) thinking I would get to the car where it would have lovingly been covered with parking tickets to keep it warm (been there done that, before anyone here thinks I am being harsh!!!). She is still not too well but with a deadline for uni. work tonight!

My lunch was also slightly delayed by a few minutes only as by chance I got behind this funeral which was trotting along a main Cheltenham road, holding up all the traffic for miles!!.' And you were late because you were stalking a funeral!!' Couldn't deny it. Hey!! On that note my friend said, 'Well you know they've got a hearse with you name on it' ....... deep breath here -.......( well everyone has don't they?) ...... HIL on the number plate was what she meant. Nearly ended up in here tonight Hawling churchyard as I rounded a 90 degree bend!!

Also got this deer but no sign of the owl tonight ! :)

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